My Hangman Post It Notes arrived shortly after Christmas and we have already used them several times. First at home to try them out, and then a couple of times at restaurants, while we were waiting for our food.
They are a nice size for writing short word combinations or one long word. That however is fine with us, giving the convenience that they offer. They are small enough for me to carry in my purse and are a ready source of activity.
Another big plus with this little game, is that my daughter has not resorted to her cell phone as a boredom buster, but now prefers to play a game or two of hang man instead.
This is an example of how much room you have to write.
We cross the letters off as they are called, whether they are used in the word(s) or not; then we can easily see which letters are remaining.
These little Hangman Post It Notes has two thumbs up from us.
This hangman game is also made on dry erase boards.
Cheryl Paton